HOME Groups

Acts 2:42 “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching
and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”
COK is devoted to the discipleship of its members and HOME groups are one of the most important ministries in accomplishing that. We are also committed to reaching others with Christ’s love. The overriding purpose of this ministry is to edify one another in the Lord so that all may grow into greater conformity to the image of Christ while also encouraging each other to reach out to a lost
and hurting world with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Our model for HOME groups is Acts 2:42.

We have a variety of HOME groups: some meet for a meal while others just have desserts or a snack; some meet every week and others every couple weeks; some meet in the same location and others alternate homes. Our HOME groups cover much of the Hill Country, ranging from Wimberley and Canyon Lake, to New Braunfels, Schertz/Cibolo, and surrounding areas.
Home Group Coordinators – Jim and Karen Albright
Clergy Overseerer – Fr. Josiah Trombley